Cherry on Top

Last week, Heather from WifeMomRunner gave me the Cherry on Top Award.  Since this week was a little bit crazy, I didn’t have a chance to do anything about it.  But, it’s the long weekend, so I’m finally tackling my to do list.

The Rules:

1. Answer this question: If you had the chance to go back and change one thing in your life, would you and what would it be?

2. The second thing you have to do is, pick 6 people and give them this award. You then have to inform the person that they have gotten this award.

3. The third and final thing is, thank the person who gave you the award.

My Answers:

1. Since it took me so long to reply to Heather’s post, I have had a little time to mull over my response.  My initial response was, “Heck, no, I wouldn’t change anything, because that would change my life, and my life right now is pretty darn good.”  After giving it some more thought, though, there are actually a couple of things I would change, knowing what I know now.  I know, I know – it’s only supposed to be one thing, but I couldn’t decide between the two.  First, I would have dated more in high school, rather than having one steady boyfriend.  Second, I would have had my acne treated more aggressively, because I think this would have helped my self esteem tremendously and I wouldn’t have the scars (fairly mild, but there) that I have now.

2. The people I’m passing the award on to:

Holly at Couch Potato Athlete

Wendy at Seriously Sassy

Angela at Chronicles of a Diet Book Junkie


Laury at The Fitness Dish

Tori at FITori

3.  Thank you so much, Heather!  It was my first blogger award, and I am absolutely tickled to know that you enjoy my blog.  Plus, who doesn’t like a cherry on top?  Am I right, or am I right?  You totally made my day. 🙂

Happy long weekend, everyone!

11 thoughts on “Cherry on Top

  1. 45before35 says:

    Thanks – it is so nice to know that you enjoy my blog. Often I feel like I am the only one reading it (especially after my vacation where my blog stats confirm this:)). Really it does mean a lot to me – especially from you (a blog I like a lot).


  2. Karen says:

    Your answer as to what you would change is interesting – dating more in high school. I did not date at all in high school, and I’m not sure that is something I would change.

    But I have definately given that advice to teenage girls (cousins and girls I have mentored) to date more – have lots of group dates and lots of different friends/boyfriends. No one boy in high school deserves all of your attention and adoration 🙂


  3. Kat says:

    I only dated one guy while I was in high school and while he was wonderful – I so agree! Dating lots of guys (which can be challenging in the high school setting, but generally speaking) is such a good way to learn more about how to treat other people kindly and how to stick up for yourself and what you want!


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