Happy March

I woke up earlier than planned today and, in a particularly grown-up move, told myself to get out of bed and workout. So I did. It was about 4:45am when I rolled out from under my cozy covers, found the workout gear I had set aside earlier in the week but didn’t use, stumbled into the bathroom, and then headed down to the basement. By 5:30am I had made my way through a full body workout and was immensely proud of myself. I ended up being tired all day, but there was no way I was going back to sleep so at least I did something productive.

Tomorrow will be spent at a rink out-of-town, and I will likely have to leave the house around 6:30am to get there. I’m hoping to get home by 8:30pm but may not. As I’m heading to bed immediately (it’s just after 8pm here) since I was up so darn early, I’m laying out clothes just in case I’m unable to sleep all the way to when my alarm goes off. And if I don’t wake up early, I’ll have the clothes ready for a late day workout once I get home. I know I will be really low energy when I get home so it’s going to take some major self-talk tomorrow night to get onto the treadmill. I’ll let you know how it goes! I’m predicting that I will be working out much more predictably in March…

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